General Terms & Conditions
1. The vehicle which is put in the present contract can only be driven by the person who signed the contract.
2. The vehicle is hired out exclusivly for the transport of passengers. It is strictly forbidden for the following uses: the transport of merchandise, sport exercises or whatever transgres of the law, being the client completly responsble for fints and saccions of any missuse of the car.
3. In case of lost or break the car′s key, the tenant must pay 270 euros.
4. No repair bill will be paid, nor any kind of expense insurred on the car or because of it, with out the previons authorization of the company.
5 . The rental is considered as goig from 8 am to 8 pm. Thus the present contract is in effect until 8 pm. of the last rental day. Return of the car after and taxes this time(8 pm.) and until 8 am. of the following day, will involve an extra charge to the client of 50% of a day′s rental, including insurance and taxes. A prolongation of the contract will not be accept without any previous advise to the Company and the correspponding new contract.
6. The car is rented with fully-comprehensive insurance without franchise. (Except for categories J and K which are fully comprehensive with an excess of 200€).
7. Whitout affecting the provisions of the law with regard to whether the fact constitutes a crime or misdemeanor, a client driving Company vehicles under the influence of drugs, alcoholic drinks or with his mental faculties altered in any way, must assume full responsability it to other vehicles, persons objects, animals and thid partiers in general. The driver of the vehicle under the above-mentioned abnormal conditions also accepts responsability for the persons or objects transpported.
8. The person renting controls the situations of the petrol tank. Once left the office grounds, it′s not admidded any reclamation. No return on petrol.
9. The vehicle will only be changed for technical defects and when it is not possible to repair to the defect in an appropiated time, always being controled the car from the technical person of the Company.
10. Any incident that might arise because of the breach of any clause of this contract, the client has to pay for any bills being necessary for to repatriate the car and the looses all the rest of the money payd for the coontract.
11. The lessee will have no right to substitute the vehicle if because of an accident it should be unusable, nor will any money be returned for the concept mentioned above.
12. Driving licence. Driver must be over 23 years old and in possession of valid driving license for 2 years.
13. The renting person and the hiring person both finding theselves in ageement of the contract submitting themselves to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Palma de mallorca.
In case of any accidents or damages to the vehicle, the customer is required to fill out an accident report and deliver it to our office. Also, if the vehicle is stolen, the customer is required to report to the police and submit the complaint in our office.
Any accidents or damages to the vehicle not notified shall be construed as negligence by the customer and this may incur to additional charges.